Our Photonic Quantum Technology

Learn more about the photonic quantum technology behind QuiX Quantum by checking out the resources below. See our product presentation, white papers, academic publications, and blog.

20-mode Quantum Photonic Processor


On March 3, 2022, we launched our newest product; the 20-mode Quantum Photonic Processor. In addition to the product presentation, this webinar features 2 guest presentations from users of the current generation of processors.

12-Mode Quantum Photonic Processor


In December 2020, we presented our record-breaking 12-mode quantum photonic processor during a live webinar. In 40 minutes, our lead quantum engineer Caterina Taballione explained the QuiX Quantum technology, research results and commercial opportunities, followed by a Q&A with CTO Jelmer Renema.

Plug-and-Play Photonics for Quantum Applications

A Brief Intro

This is our 6 minute pitch with a brief introduction about our company, technology and solutions. Check out what QuiX Quantum can do for you!

Quantum Photonics in Twente

This video highlights the collaboration between QuiX Quantum and the University of Twente.
Video: Pollus Fornerod - University of Twente for the VSNU online impactfestival 2021.

Our White Papers

Special Purpose Quantum Computer
Quix Quantum
Quix Quantum

Alquor Data Sheet

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